DNA Testing & Genetic Screening
Discover how your genes are encoded for your optimal health, fitness biology and well-being.
Pathway nutrigenomic profiles provide you with an individualized report that has powerful information about your genetic predisposition to help you understand how your genetics and lifestyle may affect your diet, nutrition, exercise, medication response, and risk factors for some common health conditions. These tests are used to evaluate your risks based on your genetic blueprint and are not diagnostic tests. These tests do not guarantee weight loss but may help you overcome genetic predispositions and may help you achieve lasting results for overall health and wellness.
With your genetic testing and genetic screening information you will gain knowledge of how your body:
- Process sugars, fats, nutrients, , vitamins and some medications
- Responds to exercise
- Responds to various macronutrients
- Risk factor for some health conditions and Metabolic risk factor
Additionally, each patient is provided with a matching diet type based on the genetic test results after a comprehensive DNA analysis:
- Low fat
- Low carbohydrate
- Mediterranean
- Balanced
You also have the choice of ordering one meal plan type:
- Standard
- Gluten-Free
- Pregnancy & Lactation
- Dairy-Free
- Vegetarian
Comprehensive Information with Actionable Recommendations
Pathway Tests analyzes genetic markers associated with how your body responds to various macronutrients. Each patient is provided with a matching diet type based on the genetic test results. The matching diet types are: low fat, low carbohydrate, Mediterranean, and balanced. You also have the choice of ordering one meal plan type: Standard, Gluten-Free, Pregnancy & Lactation, Dairy-Free, and Vegetarian.
Pathway genetic tests will tell you personalized information about these diet-related factors:
- Matching diet type: choice of Standard, Gluten-Free, Pregnancy & Lactation, Dairy-Free, or Vegetarian.
- Genetic risk for decreased omega-6 and omega-3
- Response to monounsaturated fats
- Response to polyunsaturated fats
Eating Behavior
Knowing that your eating behavior traits may be influenced by genetics can be powerful in helping you set specific, realistic, time-managed health- and wellness-related goals.
Pathway genetic tests will tell you personalized information about your eating behavior-related traits:
- Eating disinhibition
- Food desire
- Hunger
- Satiety – feeling full
- Snacking
- Sweet tooth
Nutritional Needs
Certain genetic markers are associated with lower blood levels of different vitamins or require more of a certain vitamin for optimal health. Pathway Tests® can help you identify which nutrients you may be deficient in, or need more of in your diet.
Pathway genetic test will tell you personalized information about your nutritional needs for :
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
Exercise Response
Pathway Tests® provides information about whether you may respond better to endurance training or strength training. Knowing this can help you focus on the types of exercise where you may see more positive results.
Pathway genetic test will tell you personalized information about your exercise-related factors:
- Strength training*
- Achilles tendinopathy*
- Aerobic capacity (VO2max)*
- Blood pressure response to exercise*
- BMI response to exercise*
- Endurance training
- HDL cholesterol response to exercise*
- Insulin sensitivity response to exercise
- Loss of body fat response to exercise*
* Only available for PathwayFit®
Your Body and Weight
Pathway Tests provides information about your propensity to being obese, the likelihood of regaining weight after weight loss, how fast your metabolism may work, as well as insight into how efficiently you may lose fat when you start a weight loss program.
Pathway genetic tests will tell you personalized information about these body- and weight-related factors:
- Genetic risk for decreased adiponectin
- Metabolism
- Obesity
- Weight loss-regain
These results may help you and your physician gain insight into your metabolic health forecast. The results may motivate behavioral changes if you do not currently have optimal diet and lifestyle factors in place.
Pathway genetic test will tell you personalized information about your metabolic health-related factors:
- Genetic risk for decreased HDL cholesterol
- Genetic risk for elevated blood sugar
- Genetic risk for elevated LDL cholesterol
- Genetic risk for elevated triglycerides
Medication Response
- Aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss*
- Clopidogrel metabolism (Plavix)*
- Codeine and nursing mothers*
- Estrogen supplementation**
- Simvastatin-induced myopathy*
- Warfarin*
- Methotrexate toxicity*
*Only available for Pathway Healthy Weight DNA Insight®
**Pathway Woman DNA Insight ®
Health Conditions
- Diabetes, type 2*
- Osteoarthritis*
- Venous thrombosis*
* Only available for Healthy Weight DNA Insight® and Healthy Woman DNA Insight ®
Available Tests
Healthy Weight DNA Insight® : Everything in Pathway Tests® plus Health Conditions and medication response
Healthy Woman DNA Insight®: Everything in Pathway Tests® plus Health Conditions and medication response specific to woman
These tests are used to identify risks based on your genetic code and are not diagnostic tests. These tests do not guarantee weight loss by following a particular dietary strategy or exercise regimen. They are used to gain insight into an individual’s genetic make-up and how to use them for longevity and optimal health.
Test Collection
No blood. No needles. Just two cheek swab samples are collected for testing. Reports will be available in 2-3 weeks
Coming Soon!
- Cardiac DNA Insight: Identify potential patient specific cardiac-related health risks and optimal medication prescription and dosing
- Pain Medication DNA Insight: Identifies genetic variants that affect how an individual will respond to the analgesic effects of certain types of commonly prescribed pain medications.
- Mental Health DNA Insight: Identifies genetic variants that affect the metabolism and efficacy of psychiatric medications. More than 50 common antidepressants, mood stabilizers and antipsychotic medications included.
- Hereditary Cancer Tests: Breast and Colon
For the latest information about these tests, please visit www.pathway.com.