Diabetes is the most commonly known metabolic disorder. In the U.S. more than 29 million people are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and it is suspected that 8 million more people have simply not been diagnosed.

Diabetes is a condition in which the cells of the body fail to respond normally to a hormone called insulin which is produced in the pancreas. This hormone assists the cells in turning glucose (sugar) into energy. When this process is ineffective, it results in high blood sugar levels.

Insulin Resistance or Type 2 Diabetes

When the pancreas cannot produce any insulin it results in Type 1 or Juvenile Diabetes which usually occurs very early in life. However, in adults, when the pancreas begins to produce an over abundance of insulin attempting to counteract the high blood sugar then it leads to a state of insulin resistance or Diabetes Type 2.

Signs of Diabetes & Diabetes Symptoms

  • Early signs of diabetes can include one or more of the following symptoms:
  • Hunger and fatigue
  • Frequent urination
  • Dry mouth and itchy skin
  • Blurred vision

Treatment of Diabetes & Prediabetes

There are many factors involved in the management of Type 2 Diabetes, insulin resistance or prediabetes. Dr. Wali is aware that there is “no one-size-fits- all”. Her approach is a comprehensive evaluation of your current state of health, which then allows her to determine the appropriate course of action for your individualized care. Her philosophy of care is early prevention of diabetes by lifestyle and dietary changes or (CAM) Complementary Alternative Medicine treatments with your current conventional treatment to help reduce progression, lower medication intake, and to correct nutritional deficiencies related to medications.

Commonly Treated Conditions

Therapeutic Approaches

Dr. Wali recognizes that each patient has a unique set of risk factors based on his/her family history, diet and lifestyle, past medical history, and other current medical conditions for which he/she is undergoing treatment. Her treatment programs are created to address each individual patients needs.

  • Diet and lifestyle analysis and support
  • Nutritional Analysis and Support
  • Botanical/Herbal Medicines

Regardless of the symptoms you are experiencing, Dr. Wali will work to determine the underlying cause of your health concern and will create an individualized treatment program.

Our Personalized Health Plan includes:

  • Comprehensive Health Intake by a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor
  • Physical Exam
  • Lab evaluation and testing:
  • Customized Treatment and Prevention Plan
  • Working with your Primary Care Doctor or Endocrinologist and/or other Health Care Provider if required
  • Continual monitoring and evaluation of symptoms